The World is Full of GUYS; Be a MAN
Provide hope and help to men who are weak, weary, struggling or suffering.
Inspire, teach, and equip men to reach their God-given potential.
Brothers dwelling together in unity to create life-changing results.
Get Immediate AccessIt's Time to Take Charge of Your Life
Still thinking about it?
This is PERFECT for you if…
- You want your life back. You are fully aware that if you DO NOTHING, nothing changes.
- You want to look and feel good about yourself. How long has it been since you have heard a compliment from someone?
- You want to help others. There is no better time than now. If not, you will become busier and your life will become more complicated.
- You know that you can’t do it alone. Stop procrastinating! It's time to get some help.
- You are beginning to experience a mid-life crisis. Do something to change course.
- You are overwhelmed, confused, tired, and desperately want to change your life.
- You want to celebrate some wins.

Why Am I Doing This?
Over twenty years ago I began teaching a Wednesday men's bible study class which began with 3 people. The next week there were five in attendance and each week the attendance grew by one or two people. Over the next few years, more than 400 guys joined our movement. God was clearly at work in this. Most of the guys who attended were not connected to any church. We were serving as a bridge between the church and the community. We called ourselves "Iron Sharpens Iron."
The effect on the lives of those who attended was amazing. I witnessed lives being transformed, marriages being restored and a revival in the hearts of men. I was humbled by what God was doing. I did not have any formal ministry training so it was clearly not my ability or credentials. It was God working through us.
After several years, this gathering of men transformed into a church. Even though I transitioned into another calling my heart has always been with my first calling with men. It is evident to me that there is such a need for men to have mentorship, fellowship, and leadership among other men.
A few weeks ago I attended a men's retreat and I was reminded once again of the grave issues that men face. The Bible describes them as sheep that are scattered without a shepherd. I felt a sense of conviction and when I returned from the retreat I began to pray for discernment regarding what to do and God gave me a clear revelation. This work was clearly inspired by God and I am privileged to bring it to you. Be blessed and revived.
Pastor Gene